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Product: ETC Gio @5

ETC Gio @5

Rental Product information


  • Manufacturer: ETC
  • Weight: 28.0kg


  • 1x 16A(M)-IEC(F)


Manufacturer's Description

24K Outputs

Looking for a console that saves space in control rooms while delivering professional-grade programming power? With motorized playbacks and built-in touchscreen access to all your favorite Eos programming tools, the ETC Gio @5 is an on-the-go road warrior or a versatile in-house desk that can handle shows of any size with ease.

Where will ETC Gio @5 take you?

The ETC Gio @5 provides complete control of conventional and moving lights, LEDs and media servers. Supports multiple users with partitioned parameter control and full backup, multiple playback faders and cue lists in a tracking, move fade environment, with unique force-feedback encoders, one integral articulating multi-touch display and backlit keys.

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